Career Transitions are pleased to announce the continuation of their popular Career Exploration Sessions into the 2022-2023 school year. The response to both the live sessions and the records afterwards has been tremendous!
For those of you not familiar with Career Exploration Sessions, these virtual sessions invite local professionals to discuss their profession with registered students. They give a real-world insight into the reality of their job and that occupation. If students are not able to make the live session, recordings of the sessions are posted on the Career Transitions website about one week later.
Up Coming Sessions:
- January 14 - Defence Counsel
- January 15 - Roofer
- February 4 - Forensics Identification Specialist
- February 6 - Urban Forest Technician
- February 26 - RV Technician
- March 11 - Video Game Developer
- March 20 - Wildlife Biologist
Additionally, there are 80 recordings available on our website from past sessions.
Click on the links to register for the live sessions.