Christmas Hampers

To our proud supporters:
For the past 16 years, Victoria Park High School Staff, along with tremendous community support, have worked hard to provide Christmas Hampers for families of some of our less fortunate students. We collect donations from our staff, business partners, and community members. Once all the donations have been collected, Save-on-Foods North puts together Christmas Hampers with approximately $300 worth of groceries in each. Save-on-Foods North also graciously donates a frozen turkey for each hamper. The staff at Save-on-Foods arrange the hampers to create a beautiful Christmas gift that is always received with enormous gratitude. Last year we were able to raise enough money to provide hampers for 67 families.
At Victoria Park, it is our goal to continue with this tradition and share the spirit of giving that we have established. If you are interested in helping with this project, donations can be made to Victoria Park High School and a tax receipt will be issued for all donations over $20.00.
Thank you in advance for helping us make a difference to the families in our community.
Victoria Park High School Staff