myPass Information

Students will use myPass to access their Diploma Exam results, register for Diploma Exam Rewrites, view their progress towards their High School Diplomas, and order official transcripts for post-secondary and job applications.
Please sign up for your myPass account here.
It is important that students do not use their email addresses to create their myPass accounts, as those email addresses will not be available to students after graduation.
For more information on Transcripts and Diploma Services, use this link
Accessing your Government of Alberta myPass Account:
- Go to http:/
- Click on "sign in with education account" (the blue link)
- You will need your Alberta Student Number (ASN)
- Click on the Google icon if they have Gmail, click on the Microsoft icon if they have Hotmail, otherwise put the email in the box and click "I'm new, sign me up".
- There will be a confirmation sent for the email (Do Not Use Your School Email), then you will be asked to set up a username/password.
- There will be a few questions, then you will be sent a code.
- Should you not wish to wait for a code, you should just call the government directly to be set up with immediate access 1-780-427-5318